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Search results for query #работа чата

5 replies
12.07.2022, 16:44
Chat bug
Є chat https://kolotebe.1b.app/app/chat/ In chat є filters How to turn viber - do not show anything Want all chat yaki є - tse same chat viber P...
3 answer
The system gives a 500 error when entering all chats
http://yakoby.asia/admin/messenger-chat/ Error repeats from time to time
7 replies
24.01.2022, 15:56
Different visibility of the chat list for employees of the same role
A different set of chats is displayed for employees of the same role. An employee https://box.carveli.com/app/contact/5786/ can see both new messag...
2 answer
24.09.2021, 14:09
Bug. When creating a chat with a minute action from the messenger, adds everyone who has ever been in the role to the chat participants
When creating a chat with a minute action from the messenger, it adds to the chat participants everyone who has ever been in the role, at the momen...
1 answer
20.07.2021, 09:39
OS: Chat bug
For some reason, when automatically turning messages into a chat, it adds both clients and old employees to the chat. How can I disable it so that ...

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