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Search results for query #пункт меню

5 replies
16.08.2021, 13:36
finalize the creation of a new menu item
Good afternoon There is such a task, you need to create an item in the main menu, by clicking on which the employee will immediately get into a spe...
Display items in the menu - Settings
Good afternoon. The task is to display the Settings item in the menu for employees, but only Customize the menu should be displayed in this item. S...
1 answer
07.06.2021, 14:50
Menu item
http://crm.mebelok.com/ By adding an item to the menu The screenshot showed You need to add such an opportunity, create a menu item with filtering...
2 answer
Item Settings
Good afternoon! Tell me where can I find the System Settings item, or under whom should I go in order for it to appear. Needed for plug-in integrat...
4 answer
05.01.2021, 11:50
Can't add custom menu item
Good afternoon. I can't add my menu item to the desired parent item, in the drop-down menu there is only "Investment Auction", what c...
1 answer
29.12.2020, 12:57
your menu item does not appear with the selection Available to all
under the Administrator I add my item in the menu https://crm.susiak.com/admin/shop/menu/settings/# in the upper settings https://prnt.sc/wc3ot5 wi...
8 replies
06.12.2020, 19:48
Changing the name of a menu item in the LC interface
Onebox-rybalkashop If you change the name of the menu item in the LC interface in the Ukrainian version , then this name changes in Russian. versio...
1 answer
06.12.2020, 18:59
The menu item in the LC menu interface has not been translated into Ukrainian. language
Onebox-rybalkashop In the interface, the client cabinet menu is not translated into Ukrainian. language menu item Orders
2 answer
27.11.2020, 16:21
Added a new BP to the menu: https://prnt.sc/vra18y, allowed managers to see it in access rights, etc. , why the manager does not see this BP?
3 answer
06.11.2020, 15:05
Business processes
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to select a list of business processes that will be displayed in the left side menu in the "All orders&quot...

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