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Search results for query #приоритет

6 replies
19.07.2023, 23:34
Sort tasks in the calendar by the date the parent process was created
Can you please tell me what are the solutions to the problem? It is necessary that the tasks in a certain BP in the calendar are sorted by the date...
4 answer
21.03.2021, 23:08
Email sending action - how to insert task priority?
green mvp. What field is inserted into the letter process priority? We tried: the priority is not added to the template either by {|$priority|} or ...
2 answer
02.12.2020, 16:05
Task Priority
A task was created http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/issue/120282/edit/ which has no priority. As far as I understand, all tas...

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