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Search results for query #прайс-лист

3 answer
Personal license
28.08.2023, 17:29
Rate the update to the "Send price list every hour/day" action
Appreciate the update to the "Send price list every hour/day" action to add two empty columns without a title at the beginning of the table being u...
3 answer
20.06.2023, 14:29
Unloading goods in xlsx price list template
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/automatization/day/edit/ There is an action "Nadsilati price list skin year/day". It is necessary to refine the tem...
9 replies
Personal license
02.06.2022, 16:19
Advice: write the API response in the supplier's price
Hello! It is necessary to set up synchronization with the asg.ua provider through the API. Please advise if it is possible to record the price data...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
11.04.2022, 14:44
Uploading the results of downloading the price list
In the results of downloading the price list of the supplier , for example here https://erp.openshop.ua/app/supplier/import/skip/report/6048/?dateU...
1 answer
22.02.2022, 13:27
Vendor price not loading
https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/supplier/import/ Choose iherb supplier, price file in attachment Click download and gives an error could not recognize t...
2 answer
upload is not generated
Here is the automation setup https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/day/edit/ but nothing comes to the mail and the file below is not for...
7 replies
Personal license
14.09.2021, 17:05
when importing the price, substitutes the number 42 in the empty fields
1. we have the supplier's price, attached by Alians.XLSXX 2. we try to import it through Downloading the supplier's price https://crm.susia...
1 answer
26.08.2021, 12:19
Good afternoon, next meal for the supplement "postal workers and price list": 1. Where can I find the item through, which one can go to t...
8 replies
20.08.2021, 18:36
Good afternoon, next meal for the supplement "postal workers and price list": 1. Where can I find the item through, which one can go to t...
2 answer
Personal license
14.07.2021, 13:40
get a year's crown when trying to import a great price
in the client, see the price, stay here https://box.360auto.com.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ if it is enabled, the annual crown will show a pard...

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