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Search results for query #прайсы поставщиков

3 answer
02.06.2023, 14:23
How to make sure the availability of a product is tightened through an xml link
There is a presence of suppliers which is tightened through xml links. One of the links stopped working. It was disabled, but the presence remains ...
1 answer
Refinement of the action
I'm waiting for an invoice for revision https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/online-stores/9903-dorabotka-deystviya/
15 replies
Refinement of the action
1. It is necessary to evaluate the setting, in the action of exporting products to the pretsashop - So that before transferring the values to the s...
7 replies
Linking products in supplier price lists
We need to improve the functionality of linking products (supplier prices) Now there the search occurs only by the name of the product, but we need...

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