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Search results for query #подзадача

1 answer
How to split an order into several items depending on the products
There is an order for three dishes: Pizza Burger Salad It is necessary that each cook has his order, a task with his dish, so that he starts cookin...
the action "Find a sub-process with a given business process and stage and change its business process and stage" does not work verificat...
4 answer
20.01.2021, 14:36
On whom is the subtask created?
I create a subtask through the "Create subtask" automation, specify the "Responsible for the parent process" for the subtask. W...
4 answer
13.01.2021, 16:04
Create a sub-process with pre-add form
At the stage of automation, create a subtask. It is required to enter a form for completing the watering manually before the closing

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