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Search results for query #платежи приват

4 answer
15.09.2022, 13:01
Another question on the "minute crown"
Good day. In addition to the standard request related to the hung "cron-minute" + I'm more interested in advice... Because, as .. it ...
2 answer
05.07.2022, 12:15
Payments on Privat 24 do not come
Good afternoon. Privat24 integration is set up for several accounts, but payments from the account Okhrana.ua do not come, there are not a single p...
1 answer
30.05.2022, 12:19
Tightened 2 extra payments from private
Here is an extract in the CRM on the card https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/finance/?contractorid=&accountid%5B...
9 replies
30.11.2021, 11:14
Good afternoon! Payments from the private bank have ceased to be unloaded. There are no errors in the integration, an example is in the screenshot....
21 answer
18.02.2021, 11:04
do not accept all payments from private business
do not accept all payments from private Business after update Why aren't all payments uploaded?
2 answer
03.01.2021, 22:34
Payments with Privat24 stopped pulling up
From 31.12 17:33 payments to the box are not pulled up. Neither incoming nor outgoing
10 replies
Payments do not come from private to onebox
Yesterday, 2 payments for LLC from private to box did not come, in general, payments came, but 2 were lost. There was already a similar question: h...
2 answer
some payments through Privat do not get into onebox
noticed that some payments via private do not get into one box, in general, the integration works, but it happens that the last payment on that day...
Privat 24 does not pull payments
There was a question https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/integration-with-onebox/1745-privat-24-ne-tyan... Privat asks for data on the exact...
7 replies
Privat 24 does not pull payments
Set up integration with privat24 (for importing payments from a card) Here is a screenshot of the settings on the private itself http://i.imgur.com...

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