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Search results for query #платежи и касса

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More than 1,500 payments were linked to an order at the same time
At one point (time 2024-01-02 09:07:57) more than 1,500 payments were added to customer order No. 162092, which had nothing to do with it. These ar...
1 answer
14.12.2023, 22:52
Incorrect display of BAG information
Hello! https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/payments/ In the payments and cash register section, in the accounts block, it shows the current bala...
1 answer
22.07.2022, 13:30
Payment not being processed correctly
Here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/38821/# at the stage https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/150/action/new/ there is an action "...
Payments and cash desk, amounts do not match with the card
How to equalize the amount at the cash desk on the card? There is one amount in CRM, in fact, 500 UAH more per carn. How to align in SRM?
Payments from the future and checkout errors - is it a Bug?
Previously, I already had a problem with decoupling a huge number of payments from orders and inconsistencies in the balance that arose at one mome...
10 replies
06.06.2022, 11:46
The regular expression does not work and does not find the process to bind the payment
Here is an order https://hellom.1b.app/90/ and it has an ID 2054131775 (Fig. 1) There is automation "Privat24 Autoclient Statement of Account...
1 answer
26.04.2022, 18:34
OS - Questions - View payments
Tell me how to properly configure the access rights of the Payments and cash register application so that an employee can: 1. Edit and Delete only ...
2 answer
22.04.2022, 14:12
Unknown amount in payments
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/payments/?filterdatefrom=2021-01-03+16%3A00&fi...
2015875376 - Added variables to total rows
Variables have been added to the total lines of the section "Payments and Cashier": totalfinance_sumaccountwithoutorder_XX The amount of ...
2015863756 - Added setting "Hide the ability to make payments between accounts" in the application "Payments and cashier"
Improved the "Hide the ability to make payments between accounts" setting in the "Payments and Cashier" application The enabled...

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