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Search results for query #перенос данных

Transfer all data and settings from one 1box to another
Good afternoon There is OneBox https://ubp.crm-onebox.com/ all settings, applications, integrations, data (contacts, processes, events, etc.) are r...
Data transfer / migration
There are 3 key companies that work on different systems 1. amo 2. terra 3. Bitrix you need to set up data transfer to OneBox through one contracto...
1 answer
07.12.2021, 17:22
Transferring all data from One Box MVP to One Box OS
We want to test One Box OS on our existing data. How to transfer all data from One Box MVP to One Box OS? Is everything transferable? Thanks in adv...
1 answer
28.01.2021, 11:00
Data migration cost
There is a client who has a box of 10 licenses. Now it is hosted and its subscription is ending. It is necessary to calculate: 1) the cost of data ...
1 answer
27.08.2020, 11:54
Contacts from AMO along with communication history
The client is thinking of switching from AMO to OneBox. AMO now has customer data. How could they be transferred to OneBox with the history of comm...

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