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Search results for query #переключение этапа

8 replies
09.12.2021, 16:22
Why did the order automatically switch
The order was in the status of Submitted https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/customorder/order/377737/edit/ And in the comments it says that it automatica...
1 answer
Action Switch stage when stage expires does not work
On the BP stage, the action Set stage due date and Switch stage on stage expiration are configured. But the stage is not switched when the stage ex...
2 answer
02.07.2021, 10:02
Prohibit switching stage
Good afternoon! Please tell me what action can be used to prohibit switching the stage if the client in the task is an employee or is in a certain ...
2 answer
13.05.2021, 11:36
Lap switching is disabled by the stage settings.
Hello. Under the administrator, the configured actions work, but under the user, when switching to a new stage, an error occurs "Switching the...
1 answer
06.03.2021, 19:07
Switch to a stage at a specific time?
Good afternoon, there is a "Received" stage, there are different stages after this stage, but how do I go to the "Closed" stage...
5 replies
04.03.2021, 11:14
Justin, don't switch stage
Good afternoon! In orders with Justin's delivery, the status is pulled up but does not switch to stages. There are orders that have already bee...
3 answer
The action "Jump stage after X transitions to the flow stage" does not work
Good afternoon! https://onebox.constantagro.com.ua:44553/admin/shop/workflowstatus/144/action/ne... After the specified number of transitions, the a...
3 answer
Unable to change business process step
Good afternoon, after updating the system, we cannot change the stage of the business process, it requires fulfilling the conditions that are not p...
2 answer
Change the description of the action Prohibit switching the stage manually
In our system, there is an action "Prohibit switching the stage manually". At the moment, its operation logic is as follows - if it is tu...

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