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Search results for query #ожидаемый приход

0 replies
11.08.2022, 22:33
Expected arrival
Hello! Please tell me if you are interested in information on the expected arrival. To achieve this information on the product is possible only thr...
2015868146 - Improved display of the serial number in the Expected Arrival
The field "Serial number" has been added to the "Expected receipt" table, with the possibility of viewing and editing.
6 replies
09.11.2021, 16:35
Expected arrival
Product http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/shop/products/118603/storage/ article N90281802. Written in stock 1 pc. And in the delivered products http...
2015750914 - Improved expected income functionality
In the report "Expected receipt" the filter "Display products of outgoing processes without reference to customer orders" has b...
3 answer
22.01.2021, 14:02
Ochіkuvany prihіd
Є table, in yak_y v_dobrazhaєtsya och_kuvany when goods are delivered to the warehouse. Implemented through external business processes. /admin/sho...
1 answer
19.01.2021, 00:08
Zrobiti doopratsyuvannya
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/products/?searchLine=# In the "products list" it is necessary to add the column "Expected arriva...
1 answer
Assess the completion of the expected income
There is a report https://onetos.org.ua/admin/shop/report/expected/products/? There, in the table, you can display the fields of client processes B...
7 replies
14.12.2020, 13:57
Points arrived in the table of products
Good day You can add a product table: https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/products/?searchLine= Add the column "Expected arrival" there, ...
16 replies
17.11.2020, 13:20
Expected arrival
We have finalized the action https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/2295-ozhidaemiy-prihod/ After updating the box, it crashed https://prnt.sc/vkp...
2015673307 - Added default warehouse selection settings in product receipt
1. Added system setting "Default warehouse for posting on the expected receipt page" (setting applies only on the Expected Arrival page) ...

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