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1 answer
29.07.2021, 10:14
It is not possible to register the full name in the leads
https://exam4shebo.crm-onebox.com/53/ When writing a full name in the contact block in Leads, I check the box to save it - but the data is not saved
6 replies
10.06.2021, 14:47
Facebook Leads
A few months ago, Facebook integration with boxing failed. Leads are not automatically entered into the system, they must be entered only manually....
44 answer
25.02.2021, 11:55
Critical issue with Facebook Lead Ads Forms
Dear OneBox users, We are officially announcing that last night all Facebook Lead Ads Forms users lost their integration with the LeadForm API. If ...
3 answer
14.01.2021, 17:45
1) What are the buttons for: "suspend", "trained" and "paid in full"? - what happens if I press suspend on the clien...
4 answer
24.12.2020, 13:20
Good afternoon. We want to translate actions from forms on the site into leads in CRM. But we can't find information about leads in the API doc...
1 answer
07.12.2020, 10:10
people stopped registering via API
we have a business process, according to which partners register leads in your box by API, you can stand here https://integrator.com.ua/admin/shop/...
3 answer
Transfer data from Facebook lead form to OneBox and vice versa
Since OneBox does not have integration with Facebook CRM It is possible to transfer leads through zapier services, they have integration with Faceb...

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