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Search results for query #коробочная версия

1 answer
03.09.2022, 22:00
Selling 19 unlimited licenses of OneBox CRM+ERP (Green MVP 2020) 5 times cheaper than bought!
Our company purchased a boxed unlimited version of the CRM system ONEBOX Green MVP (2020) for 19 licenses (all receipts are available). One license...
4 answer
05.01.2022, 12:33
Requirements, recommendations for software when ordering VPS hosting for a boxed OS version?
On iron requirements to the server are clear. Are there any requirements, recommendations, wishes for software when ordering a VPS server hosting? ...
17 replies
13.11.2021, 23:02
OneBox CRM+ERP boxed unlimited version for 19 licenses
Our company purchased a boxed unlimited version of the ONEBOX CRM system for 19 licenses. One license at the moment the developer costs 699 USD. Or...
Using a license when syncing via API
We are trying to synchronize the site with Onebox OS via the API. It turned out that synchronization is tied to our license sessions. Sometimes, in...
2 answer
17.04.2021, 19:00
Backup on servers
The client's boxed version is hosted on the provider's server. Most of the space is taken up by the backup. Can they be cleaned?

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