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Search results for query #кнопки

2 answer
Incorrect display of interface buttons
The buttons of the One box mobile application window are not displayed on the Xiaomi Redmi 7 device. The missing buttons are marked on the screen...
2 answer
30.08.2022, 20:22
The "login with login and password" button has disappeared
Go to https://rivcont.info/desktop/ The "login to OneBox using login and password" button has disappeared. The "create and close&qu...
3 answer
Personal license
06.06.2022, 17:44
How does the Viber share number button work?
In the settings of the Viber button control application, it is possible to configure the action to share the phone number . Tell me exactly how th...
2 answer
Problem with the buttons "Call, blacklist, create, view"
When zv'yazuvannі goods not correctly displayed buttons
13 replies
14.12.2020, 00:14
White font on a dark stage background wherever there are stages
Please make the display of white font on a dark background wherever the stages are displayed

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