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Search results for query #кабинет новой почты

Changes the office of the new Mail independently
here is an example of an order, now we have the main office of Timofey NP, managers noticed that at the time of the creation of TTN it changes to D...
2015869781 - Added action "Change default New Post office depending on the day of the month"
Added a new automatic action once a day "Change the default account of Nova Poshta depending on the day of the month". In the action sett...
2015865515 - Added a new integration action with Nova Poshta
Added action "Change amount by field Return shipping amount per quarter". When creating a TTN in the box, the "Return Delivery Amoun...
2 answer
06.10.2021, 16:41
How to write a value in the field depending on the cabinet of the new mail?
is it possible to check by some action which office of the NP is selected in the process and, on the basis of this, write the value in the addition...
2 answer
10.11.2020, 17:13
Pulling a contact person to the Nova Poshta tab
In the order, when placing a TTN of Nova Poshta, the sender is pulled up https://prnt.sc/vgu0dj It is pulled up according to the default new mail a...
2014985430 - Filter by New mail office
Improved process filter “Nova Poshta account”, by which you can select all orders sent from a specific Nova Poshta account

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