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How to write a value in the field depending on the cabinet of the new mail?

is it possible to check by some action which office of the NP is selected in the process and, on the basis of this, write the value in the additional field, i.e. I have 5 NP offices, I need to write 1 in the additional field if, for example, an office with id 2 is selected
did not find an action or variable to check the condition for the NP cabinet
Original question is available on version: ru


Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
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You can do the opposite, create an additional field, write there in the options for the name of the cabinets.
In the process, you can configure the cabinet to change depending on the field
Then you can change another field.
06.10.2021, 23:01
Original comment available on version: ru

Well, if there is an action "Copy delivery information to an additional process field"
11.01.2023, 03:36
Original comment available on version: ru

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