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Search results for query #интерфейс карточки продукта

3 answer
error when saving the product card tab
when saving, it gives such an error and the taba interface does not save please correct
1 answer
18.01.2021, 17:08
Settings for the Universal Display Unit in Products
Rate the improvement. Make for a generic block in customization products as in a generic process block: 1. Ability to set the color of the block. 2...
1 answer
22.11.2020, 13:20
Block files in the product card: display bug
https://prnt.sc/vnrhbo The layout floated. Can you fix it?
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
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27.08.2020, 19:25
Refine the product card interface
There is such a button in the product card: http://prntscr.com/u6yzso Already pressed it many times, instead of clicking Save. Because of this, I l...
2015509896 - Refinement of block output in the product card interface
Improved the ability to place four blocks in one row in the product card interface

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