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Search results for query #интеграция 1с

3 answer
18.07.2022, 15:48
integration 1s
{Reference.profi_APIIntegration1SIOneBox.ObjectModule(1483)}: Error calling context method (WaitForResponse) HTTP.WaitForResponse(); because of: An...
6 replies
03.02.2022, 15:31
Products from 1C are not created
This question was asked by our integrator. We didn't receive an answer. We transfer products from 1C to the box through the installed module In...
1 answer
31.01.2022, 10:26
1C integration
After switching to a new version of OneBox OS, orders were no longer imported into 1C from OneBox
Receiving a file from 1s to order
Good afternoon! Tell me, what method can I get a pdf file from 1s?
3 answer
29.11.2021, 13:14
Integration 1c / API v1 / contact-update
Please tell me how to update the contactGroupsArray field - I did not find it in the description.
1 answer
22.11.2021, 17:21
Integration 1c / API v1 / contact-get
http://myboxurl/api/contact-get/json/?login=LOGIN&password=PASSWORD&cont... Is it possible to make a selection on an empty field? - ...
OneBox integration module with 1C stopped working
Good afternoon! When trying to load data, upload data, or download tags from the site, an error message "Error calling context method (WaitFor...
1 answer
08.12.2020, 12:19
Integration with 1s
We changed the user parameters (login and api key) for loading orders from CRM, then when loading orders in 1s, an error was thrown out that the lo...
1 answer
01.12.2020, 11:35
Module 1s
Good day 1. When installing the 1c integration module in OneBox, the currency of the purchase price is not recorded. All data is transmitted, and t...
2015602990 - Improvement of the integration module with 1C
For the integration module with 1C, the following has been improved: - filtering similar to other API methods for example: - processes: customorder...

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