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Search results for query #интеграция с i2crm

4 answer
07.02.2022, 14:51
messages are not sent
Hello, we have not sent messages from instagram for 3 days. We: 1. connected the integration again 2. contacted their tech support 3. checked wheth...
3 answer
29.04.2021, 14:14
integration with i2crm
Tell me, when the process with a message from the direct will get into the box, can it be finalized so that such data as the phone number and addre...
1 answer
i2crm (Instagram Direct)
good afternoon, I need instructions on how to connect, the goal is to correspond in direct, thanks
1 answer
Integration with I2CRM
Please specify: 1. The client wrote to us in direct, a task is created in Box, after which he asked us to upload a photo (JPEG file, for example), ...
2015100523 - Improved integration with i2crm
A setting has been improved in the i2crm integration application that allows you to set fields for searching messages by user account
2015006607 - Added the possibility of mass mailing Telegram and i2crm (instagram)
Improved the ability to send mass messages via Telegram and i2crm (instagram). The message will be sent to those users who have written to us at le...
2014887968 - Improved action “Send message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)”
For the BP action “Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)”, the ability to choose from which account to send a message has been improved
2014630966 - Improved functionality of integration with i2crm
Implemented logic: 1. If the company was written to the subscriber first, then in the task that the company will be created, we become the author, ...

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