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Search results for query #выгрузка на розетку

5 replies
25.10.2021, 22:15
The upload file to Rozetka is not uploaded or validated
!I'm waiting for a response from the developer or from a person who will definitely help with the solution of the problem! that is - urgently! ...
2 answer
02.09.2021, 11:56
Upload to socket stopped working
Good afternoon. Boxing: https://crm.kidzaza.com.ua/ The upload link to Rozetka stopped working - it gives a 404 error. https://crm.kidzaza.com.ua/m...
2 answer
13.08.2021, 15:48
unloading to Rozetka, not all goods are included in the file for unloading
Please help me to find the reason why only a few products get into the file for uploading to Rozetka. According to the settings, all categories and...
5 replies
BAAs Dev.
21.04.2021, 18:49
Error when uploading XML for Rozetka with a full list of Product Attributes/Filters part 3
On your question what to leave in priority, I propose to add to the functionality so that everyone in the future chooses what is in priority for hi...
4 answer
08.04.2021, 14:35
incorrect work of the modified unloading on the socket
hello, previously modified unloading started to work incorrectly, namely https://box.optodess.com.ua/media/export/11.xml unloads incorrectly accor...
14 replies
BAAs Dev.
01.04.2021, 12:56
Error when uploading XML for Rozetka with a full list of Product Attributes/Filters
In automation: Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua) With the setting enabled: [ ] Unload all filters from the product card (additional parame...
6 replies
28.12.2020, 19:34
products are not displayed in the file for the outlet
products are not displayed in the file for the outlet, /media/export/11.xml , only the categories are visible. how to set up a display from a speci...
9 replies
03.12.2020, 11:30
export to outlet
Hello, we already have goods loaded on the outlet, but not directly from the box, but through prom , now we have set up the upload and want to matc...
4 answer
Uploading the wrong price to Rozetka
Hello! Automation is configured to upload prices for the Rosette from the product card (an additional field has been created where the price is rec...
42 answer
12.11.2020, 16:54
upload to socket
Hello, please set up the correct unloading of goods to the outlet, namely 1) each size (value from the filter) of the product must be unloaded as a...

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