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Search results for query #выгрузка заказов

1 answer
Stopped working today : PROM stopped uploading orders to ONEBOX today
Orders are received via ▶Automatic actions once per minute ▶▶PromUA / Import orders from XML But somewhere since 8 am today, orders have stopped be...
2 answer
09.11.2021, 11:19
Vanbox is buggy and does not upload orders from Opencart
Vanbox is buggy and does not upload orders from Opencart
2 answer
12.05.2021, 10:31
Unloading orders in exel when all columns are selected
Good afternoon! When unloading orders in EXEL, an error is generated and the data file is deleted, but on the condition that the selection occurs w...
2 answer
15.04.2021, 13:07
Orders stopped uploading from Opencart and Onebox
Orders stopped being uploaded from Opencart and Prom.ua https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/
1 answer
19.12.2020, 13:21
Some functions suddenly stopped working (unloading orders, loading business processes)
Orders from sites with promo are not unloaded from the night of 12/18/2020 Here is an example of loading business processes https://prnt.sc/w5yhi2 ...
When loading an order from a box in 1s, is the organization of the order loaded (legal person of the seller)?
When loading an order from a box in 1s, is the organization of the order loaded (legal person of the seller)? Give a ticket for documentation (for ...
2014489013 - Added order _client field to upload
The order client field (order _client) has been added to the order upload file

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