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Search results for query #блок подпроцессов

6 replies
Personal license
21.07.2023, 10:07
TOR for finalizing the block of subprocesses
I ask you to determine the possibility and evaluate this TOR for finalizing the block of subprocesses - displaying in this {block of subprocesses }...
3 answer
22.02.2022, 14:01
Interface Block Consultation Subprocess Block
In the block of the interface Block of subprocesses, it is possible to display products and their fields But by default, such fields as Name, Quan...
4 answer
23.11.2021, 11:26
Interface Block Consultation Subprocess Block
There is a block in the Subprocess block interface. It outputs the subprocesses of the current process, the parent, and the topmost parent. You can...
2 answer
OS - fix little things on the interface
1. In the Block of subprocesses block, the Save all button is displayed incorrectly, it has gone somewhere 2. In the Viber application, the incor...
2015859968 - The functionality of the subprocess block has been improved
For the block of subprocesses, the setting "Download a file when clicking on a link in an additional field with the type "File"&quot...
9 replies
22.10.2021, 17:42
OS - Block Subprocesses
In the block of subprocesses, the arrow does not work when minimized.
5 replies
22.10.2021, 17:39
OS - Subprocess Block (again)
We fought so much to make this block look normal and it was convenient to work with it, but here again there are problems. - there is no way to rem...
1 answer
17.09.2021, 14:53
Block of subprocesses: line coloring does not work correctly
Test process https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/customorder/prof-adaptatsiya-new/3373915/edit/ Added settings for coloring the line with the color http://jox...
2 answer
17.09.2021, 14:45
Sorting by additional field does not work in the subprocesses block
Good afternoon. In the process https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/customorder/prof-adaptatsiya-new/3373915/edit/ sorting http://joxi.ru/5md9yzMiaBOVD2 is con...
7 replies
08.09.2021, 23:46
Download file in subprocess block
To evaluate the refinement in the subprocesses block, you need to be able to download a field with the file type without going into the process, th...

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