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Search results for query #export

1 answer
14.05.2024, 16:27
Transferring category ID from additional product fields
Here https://poland.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ There is automation "Export products to CS-Cart" These are the settings in the a...
2 answer
Export Wordpress products
There is an hourly automation of the export of goods, the export of goods was successful on the whole, there are a few "buts": 1. During the expo...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
30.07.2021, 18:01
Remove contacts from mailchimp groups
Now, when transferring contacts, if a contact's group changes, then it is exported to mailchimp both in one and in the second group. It is nece...
16 replies
22.06.2021, 17:47
Export to google sheets
consult, chi can be realized dorobku, schob vivantage in google sheets goods. immediately vivantage to help the process: https://ob.fo.co.ua/admin/...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
02.06.2021, 11:34
"PromUA / Export products in XLS format" unloads products with specified conditions for which they are not fulfilled
Set up the action and conditions for unloading https://take.ms/sAznR File here https://stingray.ua/admin/shop/priceplaces/?id=14 HERE is a product ...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
17.03.2021, 12:26
Updating products on the prom - is it possible to change the logic?
"PromUA / Import products" action configured As I see it, it starts on a minute cron, which slows down the work of other actions for 30 ...
12 replies
03.11.2020, 14:31
Export Excel products
After unloading all the products in Excel, export does not work and an e-mail does not come with a link to the https://prnt.sc/vck3ja file If you u...
Pardon When importing goods in XLS, the file is empty
When loading goods in XLS, the file is empty https://rovo.org.ua/admin/shop/products/exchange-xls/ https://prnt.sc/uyjwib Letter Export#40 done Ent...
1 answer
11.09.2020, 15:51
1s integration via xml
System 1s8.3 UNF 1.6 configuration for exchange generated xlm file does not match the scheme. Is it standardized for their CommerceML 2 format http...

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