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Search results for query #укрпочта

2 answer
05.07.2022, 17:00
Statuses of Ukrapochta stopped changing
Business processes do not change depending on the status of Ukrposhta
1 answer
23.05.2022, 15:46
Not looking for Ukrainian mail addresses
Order https://crm.dobavki.ua/522613/ Ukr mail delivery method is specified, integration is enabled I enter anything in the address field - addresse...
4 answer
30.03.2022, 15:21
Ukrpoyata parcel tracking stopped working
tracking of parcels of ukrpoyata stopped working, nothing was changed in the settings, TTN UP is created without problems, all actions are also set...
1 answer
28.01.2022, 19:47
Can't pull Ukrposhta address from CsCart
Example https://rivcont.info/2723952/ Using the example from this topic https://1b.app/ru/forum/online-stores/11123-dorabotka---import-protsessov-i...
6 replies
complete the import of the delivery note number from the socket as a separate action
you can complete a separate action for the business process to transfer the TN from the outlet necessary - flag for prohibiting the transition to t...
4 answer
Ukrposhta parcel ttn status error
https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/app/ukrposhta/?searchfulltext=0503154876601 for some reason the TTN status is stuck on the second status - Ukrposht...
13 replies
13.01.2022, 14:50
Bulk printing of Ukrposhta stickers on one page
https://rivcont.info/desktop/ Now, when trying to print UkrPost stickers, each sticker opens in a new tab and is downloaded as a separate file. Ukr...
4 answer
Personal license
30.12.2021, 16:41
pardon 500
We have established the integration of the grant of the grant, which the Ukrposhta has given, prote when the TTN sees the pardon, but the pardon wa...
8 replies
Filters and search on the application page do not work
Please check I can not filter or find the data you need. https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/app/ukrposhta/?searchfulltext=%D0%9E%D1%80%D0%BB%...
International shipments
Tell me how to set up the API for international shipments by Ukrposhta?

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