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Search results for query #ттн нова пошта

2 answer
23.09.2020, 19:43
The "New mail" block in the BP interface does not work correctly
There was a problem due to the fact that the TTN number is located in the wrong field, namely: the generated redirect TTN is now located in the &qu...
3 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
22.09.2020, 14:02
it is not possible to generate TTN of new mail
When creating a TTN, the street of the departure warehouse is not entered, neither manually nor automatically
13 replies
change status of new mail
new mail sent the parcel to the wrong address. Then I made a delivery note. it is defined as returnable in the process I tried to drive in the deli...
14 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
21.08.2020, 12:41
When creating TTN, NP writes "Wrong delivery address!" (PROM)
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/20209/invoice/ Writes http://prntscr.com/u3djf0 If you go into the order, you can see that there is...
2015432430 - Improvement of weight output in TTN UkrPoshta
Improved the ability to pull the weight of goods from the “Weight” field of the product card in the TTN
1 answer
20.06.2019, 10:40
Binding of the New Mail account after the formation of TTN
Now the new mail account is attached at the time of process creation. Today there is one cabinet by default, and tomorrow it was changed to another...
Display in the table of orders the fields on the reverse TTN of Nova Poshta (TTN number and its status)
Refine the functionality for displaying information on the return shipping waypoint - the number of the return shipping waypoint itself and its sta...

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