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Binding of the New Mail account after the formation of TTN

Now the new mail account is attached at the time of process creation.
Today there is one cabinet by default, and tomorrow it was changed to another, after the automatic formation of the TTN, the cabinet that stood at the time the order was created will be attached.
Make it so that when creating an order, the new mail account, which is by default, is attached to the order during the formation of the TTN by an automatic action.
Original question is available on version: ru


further refine the action in the Business process Change the account of the new mail, depending on the value of the additional field. For example, I have one sender for the Full prepayment, another for the overlay. I wanted to set up prepayment for the field so that if Prepayment is more than 1, then it selects a certain NP office, but it didn’t work out, set the value "> 1" and "> = 1"
09.06.2020, 20:45
Original comment available on version: ru

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