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Search results for query #телеграмм

9 replies
telegram message to employee
set up telegram integration turned messages into chat. combined employee cards and telegram cards. configured the action of sending a message to te...
3 answer
08.10.2020, 09:01
Telegram - error
There is an integration with telegrams https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/telegram/settings/?linkkey=telegram-integrati... Now we noticed that when...
3 answer
25.09.2020, 14:30
Improvement of integration with Telegram
When creating a Telegram message in the box, there is no option to send files or photos. You can receive, but not send. If it needs to be improved,...
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
24.09.2020, 22:56
Telegram - menu builder
I create telegram bots using BotFather. I set up integration with them in boxing. Everything seems to be ok. But there are often complaints that th...

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