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Search results for query #создание ттн

TTN are not created by Ukrainian mail - Overlay!!!
Good day, it was the overlay that ceased to issue TTN Example https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/286154/
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
22.09.2021, 22:17
Errors when creating an NP
Is it possible to display a real error from the api NP instead of "Check the correctness..."
2 answer
Bug. When creating a TTN NP, two TTN numbers are created
When creating a TTN through an action, two TTN numbers are created the last number in the crm, but 2 TTN are displayed in the account of the IR T...
33 answer
TTNs are no longer created after being confirmed via Viber by the client.
We have an automatic order confirmation system where the client can confirm the order for the branch via viber. After the introduction of the lates...
Creation TTN Justin
There is such an order #213623 shipping Justin. Either we create it manually, or through an action, it doesn't matter. When printing the label...
3 answer
13.05.2021, 09:44
When changes are made in the phone number field in the client card, a process notification is sent to the old number, and a TTN is also created for the original phone number
Good afternoon Two questions arose in connection with the introduction of changes in the client's card data, namely in the "Call" fie...
6 replies
27.04.2021, 12:05
ceased to be created TN NP
Hello, the sender just stopped pulling up when creating a new mail, I attached an example of an error in the video, please fix the problem
13 replies
25.03.2021, 16:03
New mail: creation of TTN for branch 1 in the absence of a branch, duplicates of TTN
Good afternoon! There are a number of problems with integration with new mail: 1. Select the branch of delivery of the NP in the additional field o...
Error when creating TTN ( special Cargo only from/to cargo type of warehouses or doors)
For example order https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/148348/invoice/ Here we want to create a tn by clicking on the button Get...
3 answer
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
14.01.2021, 23:24
Doesn't create TTN, bug.
In the order to the client, we have the procedure "Create TTN" It works intermittently and sometimes gives a "Recipient not found&qu...

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