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Search results for query #продукт процесса

OneBoxOS. Flies information in the table of products of the process.
Bug. OneBoxOS. Flies information in the table of products of the process. For example order https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/275351/ If you enter s...
1 answer
02.09.2021, 12:41
Prohibition of editing process product fields
There is an action to prevent editing process product fields, except for employees of selected roles It indicates the prohibition of editing additi...
8 replies
16.07.2021, 18:47
Product selection via process block
Hello! Tell me, is there any block in the process interface with which you can open the "Products list" and select to add the necessary p...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.07.2021, 10:45
Updating product fields in the table when importing through the process products loading block
Good afternoon, you need to add a checkmark in the "Process Products Loading Block" settings "If the product is already in the proce...
1 answer
Copy the product fields of the "evaluate revision" process
We have such fields in copy selection option It copies the purchase price of the supplier (selected from the product) but without discounts How mu...
process product price
good afternoon. is it possible to massively change the prices of the products of the process using the xls file, for example (the prices are differ...
1 answer
27.01.2021, 17:13
Possibility to select a multi list in the product process field
So, there is no data type in the add-on product field for the process, the data type is "display multi list" https://prnt.sc/xpt03h Creat...
14 replies
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
17.01.2021, 17:16
Create a process product
The bottom line: orders with goods that are searched for by article fall from the tilde. Products with different sizes and colors. Accordingly, it ...

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