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Search results for query #права сотрудника

Renamed an employee rights do not apply
Renamed the employee and accesses, in the rights to permission "Access to the employee" there is a former full name. And in the contact c...
1 answer
20.10.2020, 10:09
Setting permissions
Good afternoon! How do access rights work if an employee is assigned two roles with different rights. What rights will be assigned? Will the rights...
5 replies
15.10.2020, 14:44
the description of the access rights settings is not clear
Hello, please tell me in one of the process access rights settings there is an item "Show project where I or a subordinate employee is the aut...
14 replies
22.09.2020, 17:19
Access rights
Good afternoon! According to the access rights https://prnt.sc/ulusik, the manager does not have access to the ordered products and Excel download....

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