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Search results for query #права доступа сотрудника

2 answer
23.12.2020, 09:17
After the update, access to viewing messages in the process was lost, even if the person is listed as an observer
When you try to view emails, you see a message like in the screenshot. Adding a person to the process as an observer does not solve this issue. The...
3 answer
13.12.2020, 00:55
How to prevent an employee from going to a specific stage?
Access by status disabled. BP enabled.
2 answer
Opening access for an employee to view SMS text
After a recent update, my employees lost access to view SMS content, please tell me where I can find the setting in access rights to give access to...
1 answer
How to hide all outgoing payments from an employee so that he can only see incoming payments
How to hide all outgoing payments from an employee so that he can only see incoming payments
3 answer
01.10.2020, 12:08
The employee sees data that is prohibited by rights
there is a checkbox in the employee card - https://prnt.sc/up6uf6 , there are ordered products - /admin/shop/products/ordered/01&dateto=&da...
14 replies
22.09.2020, 17:19
Access rights
Good afternoon! According to the access rights https://prnt.sc/ulusik, the manager does not have access to the ordered products and Excel download....
4 answer
16.09.2020, 18:26
Access rights
http://delavega.crm-onebox.com/ Can you turn on the automatic access of practitioners to the processes of de stink, for the author? so that access ...
2014949521 - Improved functionality of access rights
In access rights, the setting “Show orders where I am responsible” has been improved - it enables the employee to access the BP, only for tasks whe...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
13.02.2019, 19:18
finalize the API - add a check for checking user access rights
Relevant if you: - use the boxing API (and almost everyone uses it), i.e. you have at least one "user" whose login and hash "shine&q...
Improved setting of employee access rights through role access rights
Added the ability to set access rights for an employee depending on the access rights of the role that he has registered. To set up you need: - ass...

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