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Search results for query #пересчёт

Goods not counted in stock
There was a question for a couple of months, it was never solved https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/4739-pereschet-produktov-ne-rabotaet/ Tell...
1 answer
23.12.2020, 12:27
Product automation not working
There is a need to upload leftovers and the availability of products to the marketplace from a specific warehouse. To do this, I made additional fi...
2 answer
21.12.2020, 14:54
The price of goods that are not in stock is not recalculated.
Good afternoon. Please help. Goods which are not available can not be recalculated price http://box.agro-him.com.ua/admin/shop/products/4679/edit/ ...
Product recalculation not working
On the example of a product https://smartkids.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/8881/edit/ For him there is a rule in recalculation Costs recalcu...
10 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
17.12.2020, 10:40
How often are price levels recalculated?
I look at the recalculation history https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/56602/history/?userid=&systemchange=1...
how to remove notifications on Email about Price Recalculation.
they come for every category of goods, and as a result there are a lot of them. Is it possible to set up these notifications so that one comes, or ...
8 replies
13.10.2020, 10:01
Price recalculation for out-of-stock items
Good afternoon! When recalculating prices, the checkbox for the item "Recalculate prices for goods that are out of stock" is not set: htt...
Possibility of forming the price of goods from the price list from the RRC and from the order price with a discount
Possibility of forming the price of goods from the price list in the RRC and from the order price with a discount At once Upon setting the price Fo...
6 replies
03.10.2019, 22:37
The ability to recalculate the prices of not all goods, but only part of the goods
In OneBox, there is no way to automatically recalculate the price and availability of goods selectively. That is, this means that either we recalcu...

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