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Search results for query #клиент

41 answer
07.10.2020, 12:38
Why is the client not set to the process?
The action "Set the business process for the purchase of products per employee" is set Such processes are created without a client http:/...
2 answer
14.09.2020, 19:00
Payment without a client
Good afternoon! How can you create an actual outgoing payment without a customer. For example, paying for household goods, taxes, rent, shipping, a...
Add to the order checkbox the possibility of choosing a client and organizing a client
Add to the order the possibility of choosing a client and organizing a client. It is important when making orders for a legal person. So, as a coun...
2015338702 - Improvement of the action “Move a client to a group depending on the number of bonuses”
For the automatic action once a day “Move a client to a group depending on the number of bonuses”, the ability has been improved: - set the group f...
2014783254 - Completion of the bonus section in the client card
In the bonus section of the client card, the following has been improved: - summation of bonuses for individual processes (if bonuses are filtered ...

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