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Search results for query #звонок

2 answer
19.02.2021, 14:19
Automation not working Turn a call into a process
Suggest why the call did not go to the process? Axis of setting on the podium https://difreight.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/event/47163/ automation i...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.02.2021, 14:53
How to create an event from push calls
Specify an action to create events from push notifications of current calls There is some kind of action, please throw a screen where to look and h...
7 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
31.01.2021, 18:39
Evaluate Telephony Improvement
Since the department has 1 telephone and up to 5 employees, then: 1) it is necessary to set the priority of the call receipt depending on the role ...
4 answer
11.01.2021, 09:41
Call not coming from CRM
CRM - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ Good afternoon. Calls from CRM do not work (Zadarma is connected) What is in orders, what is when dialin...
2 answer
30.12.2020, 11:17
Call not saved in comments
Good day. Can you guess why the call was not saved in the comments? Skin stage automated "Add call to comments". Format of the note numbe...
Error when transferring from a call to an order.
Good afternoon, there was an error when transferring from a call to an order. Here are examples. https://box.beautyfactory.in.ua/admin/customorder/...
4 answer
26.10.2020, 08:50
500 error
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/ 4th day in a row in the system 500 error when going through the stages of processes and creating a process from th...
1 answer
13.10.2020, 00:46
transfer a call
Good evening block "transfer a call to an employee" does not work http://joxi.ru/a2XRMEjt4WRe3r During a call: http://joxi.ru/E2p4lX7TGyZ...
10 replies
07.10.2020, 11:16
Zadarma calls
We have configured integration with Zadarma and only outgoing calls from CRM are loaded into my events. How to make it so that missed and received ...
3 answer
Yandex Speech
Tell me, Yandex Speech (https://prnt.sc/urpz3o) how does the integration work and is it active now? Also is there any integration with Google Speac...

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