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Search results for query #зарплата

Display and count closed processes
Set up KPI for closing processes on an employee (screenshot) This displays the wrong KPI value In general, the work of the functionality is little ...
3 answer
11.02.2021, 14:30
tax module
a question about the tax module (accounting) is it being added?
1 answer
29.01.2021, 11:30
salary is not recalculated by KPI
salary is not recalculated according to KPI http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/zp/566025/edit/ the server load control panel displays such...
1 answer
11.01.2021, 12:08
automatic payroll
Good afternoon! The core of the client's business is educational courses. Now they are working with AMO and the main problem is that it is impo...
3 answer
Automation of salary calculation
Automation "Create a payroll business process based on business processes closed by an employee for the past month" is used. How to set u...
1 answer
How to set up automation in the following situation: The employee has a rate. Automated calculation of this rate every month is set up. There was a...
3 answer
1. Set up automation once a day "Create a payroll business process based on business processes closed by an employee over the past month"...

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