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Search results for query #cron minute

3 answer
01.04.2021, 10:40
Urgent - PromUA actions / Import orders from XML are not processed in the minute crone
PromUA actions / Import orders from XML are not processed in the minute crone, orders do not enter the system box https://admin.uatech.pro/admin/au...
11 replies
31.03.2021, 12:35
Minute kroner
https://rivcont.info/admin/ Minute cron expired at 11:49:10 / now 12:33 Tariff: ponytail VPS Prague3 How to deal with such delays?
3 answer
29.03.2021, 08:26
Crowns stopped working
In the load control panel, you can see that from the 25th, all 3 crowns stopped working https://osetr.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/statistic/ Please ...
6 replies
18.03.2021, 15:11
Don't use cron-minute
I live! No cheap krones
4 answer
12.03.2021, 10:59
Not working Automatic actions once per hour
Good afternoon! Remains on the site and in the application are updated only after a forced update https://prnt.sc/10jk5v9 Automatic actions once pe...
8 replies
10.03.2021, 09:57
Minute cron stopped working
Minute cron stopped working Here is the time when he last worked Example: Urgent! Orders are not closed with waiting for payment! http://crm.adpar...
Orders are not coming. Minute and hour crowns do not work
Good afternoon, the minute and hour crowns do not work . Orders are not coming from webasyst.
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
04.02.2021, 12:10
Actions not working
The last time the actions were worked out at 3 o'clock https://prnt.sc/y975j8 Accordingly, mail for employees is not loaded and other actions d...
2 answer
Broken minute crown
Hello! Minute Cron has not been working since 2021-02-02 09:34:15 (last activity). Orders do not come, customers do not receive SMS. The work of th...
5 replies
01.02.2021, 15:20
Minute crowns are not displayed in the load control panel
http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/statistic/ Minute crowns are not displayed in the load control panel https://prnt.sc/xz3qww Previously put a tick...

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