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Search results for query #отчеты

Question about the work of the P&L report
Where does the amount for the Item revenue field on the P&L report come from? Is it the sum of processes with goods sold? Or is it the sum of a...
1 answer
25.01.2021, 12:26
Report: Balance forecast and purchase calculation. Where can I read how it works?
Is there a video or instructions for working with reports somewhere? Or do you have a man on the case?
3 answer
25.01.2021, 12:01
Sales report (payment method)
Good afternoon. We have a sales report - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/report/sales/ But I would like to sort them by payment meth...
1 answer
Personal license
24.11.2020, 16:27
Refinement of the report functionality
There is a report https://prnt.sc/vmu9at It contains information on the margin, you need to make a setting that the margin could be taken and addit...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.11.2020, 09:35
Error when calculating the amount in the Sales Report
In the sales report, when the second page appears, the total amounts are incorrectly calculated. Example: Dates from 2020.11.01 to 2020.11.17 Two p...
16 replies
Please send a link to a tutorial or a training video / article about working with reports.
Is it possible to add a graph to Reports
is it possible to add a graph to existing reports showing daily indicators for the report for the selected period https://prnt.sc/vdiimf and in the...
need a variable in the report in order to calculate the average value
in these reports, you need to implement the ability to calculate the average value for the date or the average daily indicator for the period. for ...
Make an instruction or video for setting up reports Template reports
this is a lot of different reports, and they have a lot of settings, and I already spent a lot of time consulting with the manager why the numbers ...
5 replies
08.10.2020, 11:35
Report page not loading
Greetings. Report page stopped loading https://kivi.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/designer/16/view/ Other pages with reports load correctly.

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