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Search results for query #checkbox

17 replies
14.10.2020, 17:44
CheckBox is not created! Very urgent!
Have you changed something? Check not generated! https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/158453/edit/ http://joxi.ru/Q2KPjyvUvw...
2 answer
the receipt from the checkbox is not fiscalized if the process contains this product
if the process contains a product thermometer, then the receipt is not printed example https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/4102/...
5 replies
check fiscalization error (Checkbox)
"The amount of payments cannot be less than the amount of the check" everything seems to be enough: http://prntscr.com/uy13o4 how so?
1 answer
12.10.2020, 18:46
checkbox. Obtaining information about a receipt immediately after creation
If the action of creating a check and receiving information about it are at the same stage, then the receipt of information does not always have ti...
4 answer
printing a check from Checkbox with a condition
Roughly, we have at least three payment options Cash, Card (the same cash on the card), Bank transfer (from the organization) if the money was rece...
14 replies
receipt from Checkbox with likpay payment
the money has not yet fallen into the account, and the commission has already been torn off from them. and the action "Creating a sales receip...
5 replies
ID field in business process
http://prntscr.com/uw1r0s Pass "product code" from the field: "Identifier" what is the "ID" field? for some reason di...
6 replies
09.10.2020, 11:07
Chechbox - authorization pardon
I live! Process action: Opening a new shift by a user (cashier) http://joxi.ru/E2pG3jLiGG69jm you see a pardon - Wrong login or password. http://jo...
1 answer
virtual product in a check from Checkbox
if the goods are sent with cash on delivery the process uses a virtual product (parcel packaging, delivery) will it be printed on the receipt? what...
6 replies
Return receipt in Checkbox integration
If this integration implements a return check?

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