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Component «Reports and report builder»

from OneBox #

How it works «Reports and report builder» #

Report builder allows creating your own reports. You can set the fields, columns for it, so as the grouping and filtering, as desired.

You can create an unlimited number of reports, which are based on orders (processes, tasks), contacts, payments or basically any entity of the system.

There are more than 30 business reports configured and available in the app. You can choose the required report and adjust it to fit your needs.

You can put any report as an independent app to OneBox OS desktop.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Reports and report builder» #

Available Platforms «Reports and report builder» #

Application Reports and report builder available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Reports and report builder available on my server
Available on my server
Application Reports and report builder customizable

Reviews and discussions component «Reports and report builder» forum #

4 answer
28.03.2023, 13:59
Sort by date in Customer report (document template)
Greetings! There is a report, for example https://knkrd.1b.app/app/report/desiner/1/view/?filter_user_client=48&filter...
12 replies
28.03.2023, 13:50
Using if else comparison operators in Customer Report (document template)
Greetings! There is a report, for example https://knkrd.1b.app/app/report/desiner/1/view/?filter_user_client=48&filter...
12 replies
19.02.2025, 11:35
Refine "number of processes by field value"
Hello! Is it possible to improve the functionality "number of processes by field value" and add a "total" field there that will sum the output data...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.12.2024, 17:08
The Customer Balance report does not display information about the holding company
Good day, The report shows 0, although this is not the case. There is an assumption that this is because the orders are issued to employees of the...
1 answer
09.12.2024, 22:21
reports are not loading
Doesn't work with some reports, errors 500 or 504, example https://shopforcars.crm-onebox.com/app/report/desiner/11/view/ fix it please
1 answer
28.10.2024, 11:36
Filter by creation dates for graphs and charts by an additional field
How to add a filter by creation dates for the "diagram of the number of processes with the value of an additional field" In the functionality, you ...
19 replies
10.10.2024, 18:20
Report "Working changes" depending on the pressed Start Pause Stop buttons
You need to create a report table, where there will be: a table with columns: Name of the consultant Shift start date and time, break time, shift...
10 replies
09.09.2024, 16:21
You need to configure descending/ascending sorting for the production plan report
For the report [production plan] https://i.imgur.com/n0F7LCz.png you need to configure the ability to sort the quantity field in processes by desce...
Error in the report "Table of products that were not sold for the period"
Good day! Example of a product in the report https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/report/desiner/25/view/?filter_storagenotsaleprodu...
5 replies
Bug of the report "Balance change in warehouses"
Congratulations. We found a bug: if you use filtering for the "Change in inventory balance" report, then empty pages are also loaded, and when we t...