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Component «Document template collection»

from OneBox #

How it works «Document template collection» #

If you have just installed the corporate software, whether CRM, ERP or anything else, and want to configure the document formation - the first issue you'd face is where to get the templates for agreements, bills, acts and invoices from.

We have collected the most popular typical documents in this app, and performed the makeup to OneBox OS for them. Install the app, download the required document templated from our collection and the templates are available for use in just a second.

You can edit any template after download, if required. Our partners-integrators can also help you to build any of your document template into OneBox.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Document template collection» #

Available Platforms «Document template collection» #

Application Document template collection available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Document template collection available on my server
Available on my server
Application Document template collection customizable

Documentation and video tutorials by application «Document template collection» #

Reviews and discussions component «Document template collection» forum #

We urgently need to make a 60x40 label template and be able to print them on a printer
We urgently need to make a 60x40 label template and set up printing it from the product card on a Zebra TLP 2824 printer. It is also desirable that...
8 replies
21.02.2022, 09:48
Urgently! BUG! All document templates are gone!
Good morning! We have lost all document templates. Products are not displayed in printable documents. https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/shop/docume...
Page break
how to insert a page break into a template so that a certain part of the text is printed from a new page in the browser. I tried to insert differen...
3 answer
09.12.2021, 11:21
Missing document templates in app
After installing the application collection of templates, there are no templates on the tabs
2 answer
the name of the document in the "check out document" action
the name of the document can be attached to the number or id of the process?
2 answer
14.09.2021, 12:57
QR code expansion
Can I set the qr code size in the document template (changing {qr_orderurl})?
7 replies
25.07.2021, 22:17
Supplier order document template
Good evening! How to display the system fields in the document template used in the Purchase Order: Supplier code Supplier's name ?
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.07.2021, 16:59
OS - improvement for document templates
Now you can only globally enable landscape orientation for the document But for all documents this is not necessary, since there are different doc...
1 answer
27.05.2021, 16:54
Variable in documents from the Vendor setup field
There is a field in the table of goods Setting suppliers, which displays a link with the order of the supplier (client), that is, the process ID is...
8 replies
14.05.2021, 13:24
Document template question
There is a template https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/15/control/ It has a caption at the bottom like a picture 1. When pri...