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CRM for logistics in a transport company

from iCOLOR OneBox #

Bestellen Sie einen kostenlosen Test des Programms

Program for logistics - CRM, delivery control and management, download interruption

The program allows:

  • receive and process orders from various sources;
  • Choosing a contractor;
  • Creation and monitoring of shipments;
  • Invoice customers and pay contractors;
  • Control of deadlines and the fact of download, etc.

If you need to modify the program to suit your specific capabilities, we will discuss this further. 

Machen Sie ein kostenloses Audit Ihres Unternehmens, bis Erhalten Sie ein günstiges Angebot für Lizenzen

Cloud pricing for data and applications

750.00 USD one-time

Cloud pricing per user

750.00 USD one-time

Boxed solution (on-site)

750.00 USD one-time

Screenshots «CRM for logistics in a transport company» #

Available Platforms «CRM for logistics in a transport company» #

Application CRM for logistics in a transport company available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application CRM for logistics in a transport company available on my server
Available on my server
Application CRM for logistics in a transport company customizable
Paid Application
Paid Application