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3 answer
12.02.2024, 15:59
In the calendar pop-up window, the chat does not scroll down to new messages
When opened in a popup window, the chat does not scroll down to new messages. When you open a process in a separate tab, new messages are immediate...
2 answer
29.04.2024, 14:11
The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
Good afternoon, please help me solve the problem: The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.04.2024, 12:17
The process TTN number search has stopped working
Good afternoon, recently the search was working correctly, but currently we cannot find an order through a global search by specifying the TTN numb...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.04.2024, 11:20
The amount of selected processes is not displayed in the editing panel
The amount of selected processes is not displayed in the editing panel when viewing processes in "GTD calendar" mode right here https://demo1bc.1b....
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
19.04.2024, 13:52
The box works very slowly and periodically issues a 504 error
Good day, please help, we can't work. Box https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/
detailing sales reports
I have a big problem for a long time, is it possible to solve it? these are report details. many reports give data per period as an amount, and I n...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.04.2024, 10:40
The address autofill field in the universal process block stopped working
Good day, Today, the google address autocomplete field in the universal process block stopped working. Yesterday everything worked correctly. I...
1 answer
10.04.2024, 06:57
Refinement is required
Add automation for adding TTNs that go to us to the process. That is, the action searches for TTN integration that are directed TO us, and adds TTN...
How to combine two different business processes? That is, there is one process and a button is used to switch to another, but how to combine them? ...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
25.04.2024, 13:30
The action that transfers the status from the Box to the Socket stopped working. Gives an error
http://prntscr.com/DtVSq-hFnkxO Maybe the problem is that the statuses in Rosetta are in Ukrainian, and in Box in Moscow? https://sellerhelp.rozetk...