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2 answer
02.02.2023, 19:08
The order number in the product table does not wrap to a new line
In the BP, the Customer Order in the Supplier Setting column is not moved to a new line with the order number, which stretches the column width. In...
1 answer
03.02.2023, 09:41
Transferring an Opencart site to a hosting that works well with OneBox
Good afternoon. We are moving the site on Opencart to hetzner.com hosting for better communication with OneBox, and the integrators advised me to f...
10 replies
When deleting products, the images are also deleted?
In automation there is such an item: Remove products from Opencart that are removed from OneBox When deleting these products on the site from openc...
1 answer
02.02.2023, 18:01
Automatic Google address replacement and Google map do not work
Good day! The Google maps automatic address prompt and the "Google maps map" block in the ordering process stopped working. Tell me it's related to...
2 answer
02.02.2023, 18:17
Bug - filtering by BP and status does not work correctly
Showed up just a few days ago. When switching to any BP, the filter only displayed statuses for this BP. Now the filter displays all existing PSUs.
6 replies
29.09.2022, 19:01
Implement "Create folder on FTP" action
Here https://univer.1b.app/desktop/ you need to implement the action "Create folder on FTP". In the action settings there should be a fie...
3 answer
30.01.2023, 12:32
Formatting of 380 numbers was introduced
how to replace all existing contacts by performing this formatting, if mass actions with contacts do not make any changes, when you save only one c...
2 answer
31.01.2023, 13:57
Is it possible to change the email to which the box was registered?
It is possible to transfer the OS box to another account if there is only such a function
3 answer
03.01.2023, 13:53
Action PromUA / Switch the stage if the order status on prom.ua has changed
The action runs once per minute. since prom customers have the ability to cancel orders themselves , and it is necessary to check the payment befo...
2015962926 - The functionality of the action "Integration of XML business processes (Import)" has been improved
In the "Integrate XML Business Processes (Import)" action, there is a setting "Configure shipping and payment method matching"....