OneBox components and the OneBox OS cloud platform are free. No time restrictions. No limit on the number of users. Without direct restrictions on data and capabilities.
In the cloud-based OneBox OS, you can install component that will issue you a consolidated invoice for data processing and storage once a month. Most official OneBox components are free up to the first 500-1000 entries. If you wish, you can stay on the data tariff, buy a package solution with payment for a cloud user, or a boxed solution for your server.
Per-data pricing means that you pay for data storage and processing in the cloud, depending on how much you downloaded and into which application. Each application charges data according to its own rules.
In general, all standard OneBox applications are charged according to the rules of $1.99 (excluding VAT) per month for every 1000 records (entities) or for every 1000 megabytes (for applications that store files).
For example, you have a Contacts component:
Once a month, we collect information about the use of each component separately and create a single invoice, which is sent to you by email and is available in your account. You will have 10 calendar days to make payment.
Billing period: every 30 days from the moment of OneBox creation. For example, if you created OneBox on September 10, then every 10th of every month we will generate an invoice.
You can buy OneBox cloud package plans through the official distributors only. Recommended consumer price for OneBox cloud plans is $29 (excluding VAT) per user per month (minimum package of 3 users).
Cloud package plans imply that you take software on lease and pay for a cloud user only, while the data in the cloud comes free of charge. If you have large amount of data, then cloud package plans would be more profitable for you.
All the OneBox apps are free of charge in the cloud package plan.
You can buy OneBox box versions through the official distributors only. Сompany OneBox doesn't sell box versions to the clients directly.
Recommended consumer price for OneBox box plans is $699 (excluding VAT) per user for the first year + $199 (Price without VAT) per user for each year thereafter.
"box version" means on-site, i.e. selling activation keys for OneBox, and not the software itself . You just buy the activation key and then get the software on your servers "as is" (AS IS).
Activation key is assigned to one-year time period: you buy the key for 1 year and then renew it for another year for additional fee. The cost of activation keys is being calculated individually upon request, contact distributors.
If the "purchasing activation key" model doesn't suit you and want to purchase the actual software for your servers, there's simply no such option available. We recommend you to take a look at our cloud plans they implies providing you software on lease, while the OneBox company is interested in its operability and support (while you are paying your lease rate).
With box plans, OneBox will be installed on client's server only with an open code. Once OneBox is deployed on the clients' servers OneBox is released from any responsibility for data preservation and safety. The client ensures creating backups on his own or purchases such a service from third-party companies or system integrators. A one second after OneBox is deployed to client's server shoot the company doesn't accept responsibility for operability of the system or any part of it, as well as does not guarantee system update in future.
All the OneBox apps are free of charge in the box plan.
OneBox does not provide any direct services on refinements, development or customer support to the clients Users. OneBox has an open portal of developers, public forum, partner companies (integrators, business advisors).
Сertified developers OneBox and
partner companies OneBox (integrators,
business consultants) can refine cloud and box OneBox to fit client's requirements.
By default, any program code developed will be included into the OneBox product
OneBox, and the client will get rights to utilize it, without granting him the ownership or intellectual property rights.