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Incorrect work of the functionality of the richness

The vinicle problem is after the completion of such a problem;
when transferring description via API, the description does not get into the product, it only gets into the descriptionua field and it doesn’t matter what to write there descriptionru descriptionen doesn’t help, it doesn’t matter how the message interface looks like.
butt to goods https://ekomora.ua/auktsion-strakhovikh-kompaniy-yevropi-daf-105-xf-410-space-ca...
butt zapitu
Product id: 1792303 , add product to Box: 0.302517
request data: {'login': 'Test12345', 'password': '662af1cd1976f09a9f8cecc868ccc0a2', 'noevent': '1', 'imageextended': '1', 'name': 'BMW Z4 - Z85 roadster 2.2i', 'price': '9900', 'articul': '21I83E8D7', 'currencyname': 'EUR', 'categoryid': '21588', 'brandname': 'BMW', 'avail': '1', 'supplierid
Original question is available on version: ru macik9157@gmail.com


Hello. I can suggest passing the lang - ru or ua field to the api, so that the desired language is set in the system during the transfer and you can return the multilingual settings back. It will take 1 hour
19.02.2021, 11:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
Kindly, it’s illogical to pay for the same way you promote with these goods that they were included in the Ukrainian language for the change of bagatomoness.
19.02.2021, 14:42
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

I give you the solution whether it seems logical to you or not. If you are interested in it - do it, if not - do not do it.
19.02.2021, 15:22
Original comment available on version: ru

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