Link copied -

Products and prices by quantity

Here is the item
it has a base price with currency in $

go to the price setting, there should also be a currency $
but actually the hryvnia

and the website is correct
here is the product https://icolor.in.ua/shkola-adminov-onebox/
here is the regular price

here are the prices by quantity:

Original question is available on version: ru Вячеслав Легеза


Corrected the withdrawal from the currency to the system
08.01.2021, 16:38
Original comment available on version: ru

Легеза Вячеслав iCOLOR OneBox
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
Administrator wrote:
Corrected the withdrawal from the currency to the system

now it works correctly
here: https://icolor.in.ua/shkola-adminov-onebox/
08.01.2021, 17:42
Вячеслав Легеза Original comment available on version: ru

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