Link copied -

Action bug

After the Box update, the value in the "Amount" field was no longer recorded
http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/sitemnie-dlya-zp/?filtermanagerid=&a... 01+00%3A00&filtercdateto=2020-11-30+23%3A59&filtercustommarka2=&filterdelivery=&filterpriority=&contractorsid=&filterpassedstatuses=1&statusid[0]=1167&filterauthorid=&filterproject=&filterproductname=&filterproductid=&filtercode1c=&filterdatetofrom=&filterdatetoto=&filterdateplanfrom=&filterdateplanto=&filtertags=&filterorderemployerid =&filteremployerid[0]=&filterutm=&ok=1&searchLine=
The link above shows that the process created by 9.11 has written the amount. And in the processes created later , it no longer counts.
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello. Corrected for current processes. Please check if you create a new one - is the amount recorded correctly?
10.12.2020, 18:24
Original comment available on version: ru

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