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how to download fid danich in ukr. move? Automatic


Diya does not support richness, in order to add such a possibility to the need for additional support.
05.01.2022, 16:22
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
you can also form your fid manually, deleting the fields with the Ukrainian name. I gave you screenshots in another order.
05.01.2022, 17:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Susyak Igor
Integrator.com.ua wrote:
you can also form your fid manually, deleting the fields with the Ukrainian name. I gave you screenshots in another order.

Yes, a hell of a lot. so i zrobiv.
06.01.2022, 09:41
Original comment available on version: ru

06.01.2022, 18:58
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
I'm sorry I can't access your box, can I have a screen?
07.01.2022, 11:06
Original comment available on version: ru

take data here
and can be like this https://rovo.org.ua/ua/visotoriz-elektrichniy-vitals-ea7125s-ea7125s/
According to your method
I have it configured like this
and do not load anything
Maybe I'm not so shy?
do you need to add /ua/ yak to the url?
07.01.2022, 12:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
I’m so rozumіyu, for some reason you want to pіdstavlyati not naming the product Ukrainian, but lіnk on the product, like a maє buti rіvnim ukraїnskіy cardі product. Then turn it around:
1. Lіnk accurately translate not the Ukrainian version of the product itself, but into ru - tse іnshiy lіnk?
2. What information do you need for export to fid?
3. Yakshcho need not lіnk, but name - in dodpolі maє buti name of the product.
08.01.2022, 12:44
Original comment available on version: ru

In me, the main language is ru.
i link without /ua/ for the ru version of the site.
And you can show the link ua not through the add. field?
(it is unprofitable to constantly add additional fields to goods)
Exit mov select
and the link is for other languages.
Google for blocking the merchant
09.01.2022, 10:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
if I understand correctly - you need to create links, so they start from https://rovo.org.ua/ua/
Then in automation for products /admin/products/action/ it is necessary to add the action "Check the value for the formula and write in the specified field", in the Formula field put https://rovo.org.ua/ua/[url]/ , in the value select required subfield
give you a need to run a mass change for products, for example, add a tag (then you can pick it up)
through dekіlka khvilin, data can be saved with the correct link.
write what happened.
10.01.2022, 13:53
Original comment available on version: ru

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