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Filter products in stock and out of stock

Тут https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/?filtercustomkodkategoriirozetka23=&f... %D1%82&filtercustom564=&filtername=&filterarticul=&filterid=&filterpricefrom=&filterpriceto=&fromfiltercustomzalishok25=&tofiltercustomzalishok25=&filtercdatefrom=&filtercdateto=&filter_show_avail=1&filter_show_not_avail=1&filtermodel=&filtershare=5&categoryid=19
There are two filters http://prntscr.com/u6roln
But somehow it's not logical when I choose both of them
It turns out that in order for me to see all the products now, I need to either uncheck the "Product in the presence" checkbox or tick 2 checkboxes
It would be more logical to make not 2 checkboxes, but a drop-down list in
Original question is available on version: ru


some customers do not need to display two filters at the same time, because they never filter "in stock" products. That is why the filters are separated and not combined into one drop-down list. Unchecking one checkbox to see all products does not seem to be a problem.
27.08.2020, 13:39
Original comment available on version: ru

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