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Improvement of google maps

Guys, shalom. Guugkart needs to be improved
In general, we have a block in the process and there it shows the process address point.
1. You need to make a filter for this block by power supply
2. You need to make a filter by date as in the calendar (I’ll show you on the screenshot)
3. You need to make a filter by role and/or responsible (It would be cool if you could configure filtering as in contacts/processes)
4. You need to create a field in the block settings in which you can specify a filter template with variables. https://prnt.sc/V3W2ZpQBJz4o
5. be able to click on a process point on the map and see expanded information on the process (preferably customizable), Date, person in charge, client and phone number, additional field.
Please rate.
Original question is available on version: ru


https://1b.app/ru/app/gps-order/ apka, it’s half of what you want, maybe their boxes are like that, check
27.09.2023, 17:37
Original comment available on version: ru

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